Thursday, August 23, 2007

Home sweet home

My room-mate and me at the front of our new home.
We have the whole top floor of this house. It's a 3 bedroom and 2 bath place. We're still in the search for a 3rd room mate. The place is probably less than 5 mins walk to campus and the rent should be about $300 or so a month when we get the 3rd room mate.
This is the view from our backyard, Dominica is very lush and mountainous as you can tell.
More pics from the back yard.
In the backyard we have a mango tree, a cocunut tree and a soursop tree.
This is the South side of the apt. Today I had my first scuba lesson in contained water. We swam in a shallow area of the beach close to campus. It was amazing. The water was clear and there were little fishies swimming around. We didn't really get to swim around since we were just learning our skills today but tomorrow we should be able to swim around a bit and discover a little more. I will be able to take pictures of myself in my scuba gear tomorrow :).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow... those are great pix. your roommate's pretty big next to you. =D glad you made it through Dean...
